Your Calculation
Warren Buffett avatar "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago"  —  Warren Buffett

Ending Balance

Total Dividends Earned

Total Investments

30 years
Recurring Contributions
30 years
Lump Sum Contributions
Advanced Settings
30 years
Recurring Contributions
30 years
Lump Sum Contributions
Advanced Settings
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund
Vanguard logo
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund
Vanguard logo
Vanguard 500 Index Fund
Vanguard logo
Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF
Vanguard logo
iShares Core High Dividend ETF
Vanguard logo
iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF
Vanguard logo

Dividend Reinvestment Calculator

  Snowball Effect

Visualize the power of compound interest through dollar-cost averaging and reinvesting dividends.

  Personalized Roadmap

See how pulling different levers, like your investment horizon and contributions, can propel you toward financial independence.

  Time Is Money

Save time on calculations and graphing. Skip manual spreadsheet work and eliminate the need for searching historical data.

  Instant, FREE Access

Enjoy our dividend reinvestment calculator without registering.

Dividend reinvestment calculator with search by common stock and ETF feature

Key Features

  Financial Metrics

Use the look-up feature to easily access key metrics for your portfolio, like capital appreciation, dividend growth, and dividend yield for common stocks, REITs, and ETFs.

  Dividend Reinvestments (DRIP)

Automatically reinvest dividends to maximize compounding. Set your investment horizon to see how your wealth grows over time.

  Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

Set your recurring contribution schedule (monthly, annual, etc.) and adjust for income growth like salary increases.

  Lump Sum Contributions

Add anticipated windfalls, such as inheritances or bonuses, into your investment plan. See the impact of these larger investments on your long-term growth.


Adjust for taxes, inflation, and fees to get a realistic view of your financial future.

  Multi-Account Setup

Track and project growth across different account types, like taxable and non-taxable accounts.

  Export Your Calculation

Save the results to your device or share a link to help others easily access it online.

  One-Click Portfolios

Quickly import popular dividend stocks like VOO (S&P 500) and SCHD (Dividend ETF).